Root fillings
Root fillings
General Dentistry
Endodontics (root fillings) is an area of dentistry which treats disease in the nerve of the tooth such as toothache and dental abscesses. This treatment can save your tooth and remove any pain and infection.
Rot fillings can be difficult because the tooth anatomy is complex. Our Dentist with a Special Interest in Endodontics, Dr Adam Kharchi, has had extra training in this field and takes referrals from other dentists for this type of work.
Adam pursued his long-standing interest in Endodontics by completing a Postgraduate Masters in Endodontology in 2019. He was awarded a Distinction in his degree and also received the Dentsply-Sirona postgraduate award in recognition of outstanding achievement in his field. Adam is a member of the British Endodontic Society and keeps up to date with the current scientific literature.
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